Elly Louise Craig is a touring circus artist and performer. They specialize in Cyr Wheel, Partner Acrobatics, and ensemble work and have trained professionally in trapeze, stilt dancing, slumbling, physical theater, german wheel, juggling, wire, and more. They make and perform solo acts as well as collaborative ensemble productions.

Elly is a team player in all collaborations. Ensemble work is one of their biggest joys because of the possibilities to achieve the otherwise unattainable.
Elly Craig - They/She
New England Based​
Tel: 608-212-7539​
Full act videos and more information available upon request.

Fun Facts
I have bitten through my lip three times but I'm still surprised each time it happens, my mascot for life was my flamboyant poodle named Beau, my favorite scent is "in the forest right before it starts raining", I once got lost on top of a volcano, I had to leave the theater during Finding Nemo because I got too scared, I have a recurring calendar appointment that just says "Laugh for 30 seconds", and last but not least, I tried to pass legislation that would make it mandatory for rumble strips to play music when you drive over them.